Monday, May 25, 2009

|[... todays category: assholes ...]|

Everytime I update my facebook status I feel like an asshole. As if what I'm doing is so important that I need to burden your facebook news feed with the 11 pixel high per line responsibility of being aware of my existence. Thats probably why I hate twitter (I think its actually more like 20 pixels there, shudder). But yet, I can't help myself but update and click that rounded-corner share button. Its even worse when certain actions cause it to lose its color, your hurried actions being the only thing to fill it back in so you can click it and show the world (or your "hundreds" of friends) your success.

Either way, I'm digressing, yes, the subject was assholes, plural. My assholes of the week, American Idol voters. It sounds sad, but this is going somewhere larger than m opinions I like to think. America in general will always be it seems the assholes of the world, mostly because we slap our names on anything and everything. Hell, we've made a brand out of the whole "Made in" craze. And here we are, with an opportunity to slap our names on something unique and with the potential for international prestige (trust me Kriss Allen won't do anything internationally), and we let our preconceived notions and stereotypes vote for us. You could argue against taste for Adam Lambert as an individual but everyone can argue against Kris Allen's talent, it was generic and lacking, but "apparently" that was enough for the many assholes who voted (a special big finger to Arkansas).

Another example of assholes, the cast of the Fashion Show, they are crazy.
Its like Project Runway except they work in groups, which helps them release their inner-ass, they always have a mini challenge and of course the added benefit that bravo profits as the show goes on by selling each winning piece online. I'm only going to focus on one point from last weeks episode. The judges, as scripted as they are, were able to quickly identify the asshole and eliminate him. Markus said something earlier in the episode along the lines of, "we didn't focus much on the technical skills at school," and that was his excuse for the image at right. Its funny to me because I went to a "tech" school, had a design major and we were taught almost nothing as far as technical skills, but that was never an excuse because if you didn't learn it on your own, someone else did and you looked like a piece of shit by comparison. The worst we could have done was make an excuse about never being taught how to do it, kind of like Markus and come off as an asshole for defending such crappy work, again by comparison. Oops.

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